Montly Newsletter - January
So sorry we are just getting this posted! There’s still a lot to see in this month’s newsletter; information about our new app “True North Yoga Paducah” and be sure to check out the book recommendations!
Hello Yogi’s!
We have a lot of stuff happening each month here at True North Yoga! To help you have this information at the tips of your fingers, here is our monthly newsletter for January!
If we don’t already, please make sure we have your email on file so you can stay caught of on all the awesome stuff we have in store for you!
Ashlee has a workshop coming up with essential oils and yoga nidra on 01/19, we have a new APP!!!! It’s called True North Yoga Paducah and you should download it RIGHT NOW! We are so excited to begin this transition to mindbody and allow our students even more access and ownership of their True North Yoga accounts!
Also, we have a new class with Bri! Every Thursday at 7:45, join us for Vinyasa Flow! And be sure to check some of the great yoga related books we recommend.
**Not in the newsletter: Starting 01/23 Dell will have a 5:30pm Power Vinyasa Class every Wednesday afternoon and Sound Healing Singing Bowls will be moved to 7:00pm with Barbara. Also, we will be welcoming a new instructor to True North Yoga this month, Cate Kroehnke, who will begin a 6:00am Morning Vinyasa Flow class on 01/21! Be sure to check out these awesome new classes! Also, regularly scheduled Kids yoga is being cancelled for now, and will start up again in 8 weeks as a limited time series! Be on the lookout for that somewhere in March or April!